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2022-11-19 17:08:29

1.裁料。一般所用工具是電剪刀,它可裁2mm以下的薄板,但裁出后平整程度不好。還有裁板機,厚板、薄板均可裁出, 但只能裁直線,遇到弧線就無能為力了。要讓山東不銹鋼雕塑板料裁下既平整又多種形狀的話,就用等離子切割。 Cut material. Commonly used tool is electric scissors, it can be Cut 2mm of the following sheet, but the flatness is not good. There are cutting machine, plate, sheet can be cut out, but can only cut a straight line, there is nothing to do to meet the arc. To make Shandong stainless steel sculpture plate material is not only the formation of a variety of shape, then, with plasma cutting.

2.鍛打。山東不銹鋼雕塑板拿到模具上實打?qū)嵉厝デ?,根?jù)模型每個部分不同的形狀把料下出,依照其起伏變化,進行有意識地敲 打,該彎的地方敲彎,該棱的地方敲棱,可在任何有形的結(jié)實的物體上進行敲打,然后把敲好的不銹鋼板拿到模具上去比較, 認為形體正確并完全可以與模型合上,再把這些零散的碳鋼板、不銹鋼板從上至下一塊塊焊接起來,每接上一塊都要對著模具 進行調(diào)整,每塊不銹鋼板表面的肌理效果都要保持相同,這須在做形的同時鍛制上去。Forge. Shandong stainless steel sculpture plate mold to get hard knock, according to the model of each part of different shapes under the material, in accordance with its ups and downs, conscious beat, the curved edge of the place where the clinched, knock edge, can be strong in any tangible objects get beat, and then put on stainless steel good to get the mold plate, and can form correct thought and model, and then put these scattered carbon steel plate, stainless steel plate welded together from top to bottom pieces, each connected to a block to adjust each mold, the surface of the stainless steel plate texture effect will remain the same, it shall in the shape of forging at the same time.

3.成型: 焊接、打磨及噴漆。形體鍛造正確后,就要依照作品要求把它們焊接到一起(有電焊和氬弧焊)。山東不銹鋼雕塑拋光首先用 砂輪片把制作作品的焊縫和多余的地方磨平,然后用軟輪(布輪)進行拋制,拋光時作品涂上拋光膏增加潤滑,使作品拋出來 更光亮,從而給人一種良好的視覺美感。Molding: welding, polishing and painting. After the form is forged, it must be welded together in accordance with the requirements of the work (with welding and argon arc welding). Shandong stainless steel sculpture polishing first grinding wheel to weld production and spare place removed, and then use soft round (cloth) were thrown, polishing works with polishing paste increase lubrication, so that works out more light, which gives a good visual sense of beauty.

4.最后一步就是安裝:一般為焊接,較牢固,即雕塑本身的骨架與基座上預(yù)埋鐵焊接,預(yù)埋鐵下邊焊接鋼筋,根據(jù)山東不銹鋼雕塑的尺寸來確定鋼筋的長度以及預(yù)埋鐵的大小。為了美觀,安裝山東不銹鋼雕塑完畢后,基座會粘貼大理石或者花崗巖板材。 The last step is to install: General for welding, fixedder, sculpture and the base itself on the framework of embedded iron welding, welding of steel embedded iron below, to determine the size of the length of the reinforcing steel bar and the embedded iron according to the size of the stainless steel sculpture of Shandong. In order to beautiful, the installation of Shandong stainless steel sculpture is completed, the base will paste marble or granite.

